RCA Rt ❯ Toolbox Scalability 7QT Real life use
Focus. Find causes. Fix forever.
3 easy stages, but almost infinite scaleability makes the RCA Rt easiest yet most comprehensive structured problem solving method. Team-oriented and risk-based, it escalates easily, according to risk involved or need. RCA Rt training delivers:
1. Risk-based flexible method
Most organisations find they have more issues to manage and problems to solve than they have resources. Best practice is to use Risk Management to prioritise the response and reporting.
RCA Rt is superior to other problem solving methods because personnel use risk-based principles and tools, like the risk matrix, to understand the company policy, invest the appropriate effort and report appropriately.
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2. Structured courses
Our training courses are designed and help organisations address problems of different complexity and risk. 5WHYS Core, 5WHYS+A3, 12STEPS + CauseTree courses are currently available.
They spread over half-a-day, one-day, two-days of training, and all are alaivable as onine courses as well. If a student finishes 1-day 5WHYS+A3 course for example, then 12STEPS+Cause Tree course could be accomplished in about one day, because student is already familiar with the RCA Rt process.
3. Positive effects of RCA Rt
1. Improved safety
Routine problem solving, even of seemingly trivial issues, improves quality of work and safety in the workplace. In case of bigger issues involving greater risk, RCA Rt minimises negative side-effecs at all stages of the investigation, which minimise the impact on people and on business results. Next
2. Elimination of repeating failures
One of the outcomes of the RCA Rt structured problem solving method applied across the board is that processes will be refined, clarified, and errors combed out and reduced in the future.
3. Reduced cost
Investigations often reveal potential problems in areas previously not considered problematic, enabling you preventive advantage. Prevention and anticipation reduces the risk, which reduces the cost of ongoing investigations. Business results are improved, and such environments become more enjoyable places to work.
4. Successful teamwork
Best results in RCA Rt are achieved within the team environment. “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” which is certainly true when teams work on problems. Teamwork leads to better solutions. At the most basic level of problem solving, organisations get best results when people feel comfortable sharing their knowledge to assist colleagues make good “day to day” decisions on routine operational issues and problems.
5. Increased motivation
Teams are made of members of diverse backgrounds motivated to solve the problem. Often those who personally benefit from solution join RCA Rt teams because, for example, their job will be less frustrating and their solution appreciated within the company. RCA Rt connects people and builds strong problem solving culture.
6. Investment in people
The team members should have had some training in RCA Rt, Elementary, Intermediate or Advanced, so they have a common understanding of the language and approach that needs to be taken. People become more valuable to the organisation, and better business ambassadors. It is highly desirable that at least one person in the team has experience in using the 7 Quality Tools, or the Advanced level.
7. No blame culture
Errors are a natural part of human performance and beginners, as well as the most highly skilled experts, are vulnerable to error. RCA Rt method will help develop the “no blame” culture, which means, a problem solving environment that recognises errors are inevitable but must be minimised.